Python 4.3 - Operator precedence and associativity


Operator precedence and associativity

We can easily solve a simple statement like x=5+2 where only one or two operators (‘=’ and ‘+’) are used. Because we know that, first we will add 5 and 2 i.e. would use ‘+’ operator and then store the result 7 into ‘x’ i.e. use ‘=’ operator. So when a statement or expression contains one or two operators then it becomes easy for us to solve such statement but how would you solve if a statement contains many operators together? For example:




There are many operators used in a single statement. You might be confused by seeing the statement. You would think that just execute the statement as it is written i.e. first add 35 and 6 then divide the result by 3 then add 2 and 2 and so on. But it does not work like this.

When multiple operators are used in a single statement then it must be known which operator will be executed first, which will be executed next and so on. The process of deciding that which operator will be executed first is called operator precedence.

Each operator has its own priority to get executed in a statement or expression. Operator precedence represents the priority of an operator which tells that when will that particular operator be executed in a statement. See the table below that tells the precedence of different operators.




Precedence or priority

( )






+, -, ~

Unary plus, Unary minus, bitwise NOT


*, /, %, //

Multiplication, Division, Modulus, Floor division


+, -

Addition, Subtraction


<<, >>

Bitwise shift operators



Bitwise AND



Bitwise XOR



Bitwise OR


<, >, <=, >=, !=, ==

Relational or comparison operators


=, +=, -=, /=, //=, %=, *=

Assignment operators


is, is not

Identity operators


in, not in

Membership operators



Logical not



Logical and



Logical or



Operator with highest precedence or priority will get executed first in a statement than operator with lowest priority. Numbers in table represent the precedence of operators which means operator with priority 1 will be executed before operator with priority 2 in a statement and so on. for example, if we have an expression x=5+6/2**2 then we can solve like this-


x=5+6/2**2 # exponent operator ‘**’ has higher priority than ‘+’ and ‘/’

x=5+6/4 # first perform 2**2, then perform 6/4

x=5+1.5 # then addition



As you can see in above expression, first ‘**’ operator got executed then ‘/’ operator and then ‘+’ operator.

okay! So what will happen if division, multiplication and modulus all come together in a single statement. Whom will get executed first because all these operators have same precedence 4. For example, in statement ‘x=12/2//2%3’ which operator will be executed first? All have same priority (see above table). In such situation, operator associativity comes into action.

When multiple operators with same precedence appear in a single statement or expression then from where to start execution i.e. from left to right or from right to left. This is called operator associativity. Almost all operators in Python have left to right associativity. So when operators with same precedence appear in an expression then start executing from Left to Right.    

now let’s solve above expression with the knowledge of precedence and associativity –


x=35+6/3-(2+2)*(5-3)**4//2+2.2 # parentheses has highest precedence

x=35+6/3-4*2**4//2+2.2 # ** operator has highest precedence

x=35+6/3-4*16//2+2.2 # divide, multiplication and Floor division,

                     # all have same precedence

                     # so start executing from left to right

                     # i.e. divide->multiply->Floor division


x=35+2.0-32+2.2 # addition and subtraction have same precedence

                # so go from Left to Right

                # i.e. addition->subtraction->addition

x= 7.2

Importing modules

A module is a file which contains Python code such as variables, functions, classes etc. Our Python file is also a module. For example, we created a program and saved the file named ‘’ then the name ‘sample’ will be a module. The advantage of modules is that we can import them in our program so that we can avoid writing lengthy code. Whenever I want to use a module then, first I have to include it in my program by using ‘import’ keyword. You must be thinking, how modules are important? Then let’s take an example. Suppose we have written a program to calculate simple interest and saved the file named ‘’. Remember here module name is ‘s_interest’. Now we are writing other programs and at that time, we need to calculate simple interest at many parts in our program. So one option is that we write code for simple interest again and again whenever we need it. This will be very tedious, time consuming and unnecessary job.

Second and best option is that we can import the file ‘s_interest’ in our new program and then just use the code that we have already written. This will save our lots of time and effort.

We can not only import our Python files but also other modules or libraries that are already available in Python. We have already discussed about Python libraries such as pandas, math, numpy etc. in 2nd chapter. These libraries contain many pre-defined functions which we can use in our programs whenever we need them. For example, if we want to calculate the square root of a number then first option is that we have to write some code or logic for that. And second option is that we can simply import math module in our program and use its sqrt() function. So we do not need to write separate code to calculate the square root, which will save our time.


How to import modules?

We can import a module in many ways in our program by using ‘import’ keyword. The first method to use ‘import’ is as follows –


import <module-name>


Where module name is the name of the module which we want to import. To import ‘math’ module in our program, we can simply write –


import math


Now math module is imported in our program so we can use its functions. To calculate the square root of number 25 we can use the function sqrt() of math module. The syntax to use any function of a module is–




Do not use angular brackets <>. It is only for syntax representation.


import math

x = math.sqrt(25)


We can also import a module as a nick name. This helps us to write less statement. If we import as shown above, then we always have to write module name followed by function name which will waste our time. So we can use a short nick name method so that we do not need to write module name when calling a function. We can just use nick name instead–


import <module-name> as <nick-name>


To use sqrt() function of math module with nick name –


import math as m

x = m.sqrt(25)


We can also import a particular function from a module using ‘from’ keyword. In this case, we need not write module name. But we cannot use other functions in this method since we specify the name of functions–


from <module-name> import <function-name>


from math import sqrt

x = sqrt(25)

x = sin(25) # error, because we imported only ‘sqrt’ function


The best and mostly used method is that we can import all the functions of a module at once. When we do this, then we need not write the module name–


from <module-name> import *


from math import *

x = sqrt(25)


Here * means import everything from math module. And when everything is imported in a program, then we can use the function name without module name.


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